Registration Agreement


Turn around and go back where you came from, you want no part of this.

You have been warned.

I suppose you are looking to snoop around through old Anonymous archives.

Chances of you finding anything are .5% vs the 99.5% chance you will end up triggered and infest the system you are using.

Anonymous required less than .5% exposure rate.

even if you are lucky enough to find something not triggered chances are it would be worthless and meaningless to you anyways.

This site is only online temporarily for a passage following delivery this vault will no longer be available for archive. (database destroyed, storage units destroyed, system parted)
Meaning you do not have enough time to even try anyways.

Furthermore I am fairly certain that NOTHING good has ever passed this site rather the dark demented shit I have stumbled on in the past. -No thanks not for me!

Being in danger is the easy part if you fall triggered, the harder part is once triggered they obtain every single thing about you and dig for material to use

against you publicly/personally and force you to run possibly criminal errands for them and "I" have never heard of anyone getting off the hook or having

"Done their time" They will suck you in, change you to the point of boarder line criminal and destroy one's life.

The price for snooping through archives belonging to   is high, is it worth it?

BTW: approx. 60% of the bots here are theirs receiving and placing link-ups, they collect all the sights members, messages, etc Ip sources and return that
information to them. (At least be smart enough to use a VPN)

Any "Members" you see here IMO are more than likely staged being they don't use or have any need for memberships and are more than likely just
a lure to draw someone or many in closer for whatever reason. TRUST NOTHING on this site.

The very ID I am posting from is just some fake "member" I captured randomly in the DB changed for Admin access and my logins, and log in whenever
I needed to perform Maintenace, for years that's how this sight was maintained with no real logins just whatever was their capture it and log in.

All I can say is users/members/owners of 4Chan and especially BBS variants need to get out now, you are all is serious danger as all these off-site storage vaults
go down the more they will prey for more resources.

Such systems once designed to survive on a feared respect for a "pecking order" of sorts in today's world has come crumbling down in a time that pure
corruption has infiltrated even the most feared of governing systems nothing anymore is pure as originally intended and over ran with pure evil intentions.

After surviving the times for over 30+ years with no real single sources of structure its all crashing down and all that remains is the very most foul of
human intensions preying on what remains.

I have before bringing this back online for final passage deleted over 400000 members and in doing so any link-ups they may have created
Before shutting down I was seeing over 600 members online all times every day passing and receiving who knows what.
By wiping most the memberships I can more closely monitor this final passage, and I will be watching EVERY new membership closely.

Leave now while you can.